How can we make it better

How can we make it better?

From a manufacturers perspective, once you source the best organic and natural materials available and create the best design you still need to make sure that your mattress is better than the others. Since there is a similarity between all brands of natural mattresses and each claims that theirs is the best it becomes obvious that the missing link is real customization. Everyone’s body is different and that is something that is not worth debating.

The question then becomes whether to just buy a mattress online that looks good on your screen and hope that you will like it and if you are sharing the mattress, your partner must also be able to be comfortable. Couples share the same mattress, but they do not inhabit the same body. This means that you will hope that your bodies can adapt to the firmness and comfort it provides or be faced with the problems associated with returning it. Now there is another option.

Welcome to the Couples Mattress Club. The two of you automatically become members when you purchase a mattress from Natural Mattress Heaven. You can either choose the firmness based on what you think is right for each person or use our proprietary algorithm based questionnaire to get our recommendation based on your individual needs.

These questions were chosen as a result of 30 years experience in the world of mattresses. See “About Us” for more information. Getting a natural mattress that is really made for each of you can make a huge difference compared to the alternative of buying a mattress and hoping for the best.

Our mattresses are made with zipper covers and nothing inside is glued together. This makes it possible to reposition the layers of latex to change the firmness or to do a layer exchange to further adjust the comfort. With options like these available why would you buy a non adjustable mattress?

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